Join the Movement

The Vision

To promote awareness to the beauty of Planet Earth through the practice of yoga with the hope that all people will understand the importance of a sustainable future.

Yoga is more than an exercise, it is a way of life. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj which means “to yoke[1]” or to “unite or integrate”. Through practice, we open up our mind to equanimity and awaken the heart to compassion. My hope, is that through a united mind and heart we can gently bring society’s attention back to “what is real” and the beauty of all things natural. The very same things that our ancestors have seen, and the same things we should be protecting for our descendants.

How the Campaign Works

The aim is to create awareness of nature through a love of yoga via photographic  submissions from fellow yogi’s/yogini’s or anyone who may be interested in supporting the cause. The intention is for the photographs to capture the beauty of nature using the essence of yoga. Feel free to be as creative as you like with the image but please remember to practice ahimsa (non-harm) at all times, both in terms of the location you choose to shoot at and also to ensure no harm is inflicted on any of the subject matter in the photograph.

How to Participate in the Campaign

Participation is easy, and open to anyone who would like to support this cause. You can support the movement in 2 ways, either increase awareness of the blog by "liking" us on Facebook or submit a photograph and be part of the blog inspiration. Submissions can be sent via email on or feel free to email with any questions or comments.

For those submitting photos, here are a few guidelines that will assist in what we’re looking for as part of submission:
  • A natural environment must be the key feature of the photograph. As much as possible have minimal man-made structures in the photograph e.g. buildings, powerlines etc.
  • Yoga must be part of the photograph. If you do not wish to become the main subject on the photographs feel free to be creative and take shots from the side, as a silhouette or any other artistic form. Allow the essence of yoga to permeate.
  • Details to provide as part of the submission: Location of where the shoot was taken, approx. date taken, your preferred name to be disclosed on the picture (or anonymous), any other comments you would like to say about the photograph.
Increasing modernisation and urbanisation is having a significant impact on our society, both in the way we treat people and the way we treat things around us. Humans are now the most destructive specifies on the planet and we are literally raping the earth every second. Younger generations are increasingly seeing less of the beauty around them; they only see the concrete-mortar-technological prison they have built for themselves. Please support us in bringing a little bit more mindfulness and kindness to the World we live in.

It takes courage and strength to believe in something that is a little out of the norm, but a small movement in the same direction is all we need to begin the first ruffles among the leaves signalling change.

[1] Iyengar, BKS 2001, Yoga The Path to Holistic Health, Dorling Kindersley, Great Britain, pp. 14.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea of combining photography, nature and yoga! All SO beautiful xo
