11 December 2017


The festive season is a time associated with joy and happiness, long summer days (in Australia at least), indulgences of all kinds and endless social events. But for some it is also a time of challenge and difficulty confronted with reflection for the year past, managing energy levels to live up to others expectations or simply a time that highlights what you are missing this year.

Sometimes the best we can do for ourselves is to learn to let go and invite balance and introspection into our lives. True happiness can be found from within (and with your closest family and friends). When I'm having one of those days where I need something restorative in which I can surrender, I find comfort in balasana (childs pose). 

My little man Yoshi is also learning to let go... the vets order was no running around on the grass patch until he gets his cast off.

19 November 2017

Embracing change

yogaonearth in iceland various yoga poses

Location: Leirhnjúkur, Iceland

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes" - Lao Tzu

Embrace it. Flow with it. Love it. 

We had loads of fun putting this image together at Leirhnjúkur in Myvatn, Iceland. An incredible place with hissing steam rising from the earth and smoking black lava fields stretching out as far as our eyes could see.

09 October 2017


yogaonearth crow pose norway fjords Bakasana

Location: Fjords of East Iceland

Words cannot describe the incredible energy which emanates from the raw and rugged landscape that is Iceland. Inspired by Iceland.

"Not all who wander are lost " - JRR Tolkien